Mathxercise lesson structure

Scroll down to learn more about how the classes in our physical exercise program are structured. 

Mathxercise lessons are 20-30 minutes long

For babies and toddlers, 20 minute sessions are ample.  Lessons are 30 minutes long for children aged 3 to 7. 

Mathxercise lessons are held once a week at school during school time

Classes are held once a week at school during school time, or at an arranged venue and time.

Warm Up

Lessons start with a warm-up consisting of stretching, simple body movements and exercises which focus on spatial awareness and fine and gross motor skills. We incorporate counting into our warm-ups (forward and backward counting) in English, Setswana and Afrikaans. For example: children count as they do sit-ups. 

Number Theory

We begin each lesson by recapping the numbers covered in previous lessons. 

We identify objects and parts of the body that look similar to numbers (example: fingers look like number one, clock on the wall looks like number zero) We form numbers with our bodies and count body parts (example: ears, nose, fingers, etc) and objects around us. 

Each lesson introduces a new number in a fun manner: for example, through an interactive story. Making lessons fun and playful,  enhances curiosity which boosts memory and learning.


The last part of the session involves an activity or game incorporating equipment or apparatus, which relates to the number of the day: for example an activity using hoola hoops representing the number zero, sticks for number one; jumping on the trampoline while forming a number with our bodies; counting while throwing a specific number of rings, etc. 

These activities exercise the muscles and promote the development of gross motor skills.

Baby lessons

Our baby lessons focus on the development of proprioception as well as fine and gross motor, cognitive, speech and sensory skills.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions